Create the New Reality PDF
- Is it safe and is there clarity to create the New Reality?
If not: Establish clarity/safety
- Any intentional interferences?
If yes, say "Haleju" out loud until the interference is cleared.
- Any outside influences?
If yes, (1) identify who or what the influence is and (2) use Create the New Reality until it is no longer present.
- Do we need to eliminate negatives?
If yes, refer to the flowchart below:

Clockwise pendulum swing.
Clockwise pendulum swing.
Find them using the Stuck Energy list and heal them with the Neutralize Stuck Energies list.
¶ Integrate native & wandering parts
Ask if they will integrate. Clockwise pendulum spin to integrate.
¶ Resolve and release contracts
Ask if the contract can be resolved and released.
If yes, counter-clockwise pendulum spin to clear.
¶ Resolve and release opportunistic entities
Ask if the entity (or entities) can be removed.
If yes, counter-clockwise pendulum spin to clear.
- Do we need to integrate positives?
If yes, refer to the flowchart below:

Clockwise pendulum swing.
Clockwise pendulum swing.
Use the Stuck Energy list and the Neutralize Stuck Energies list.
- Do we need to integrate Parts?
- Should we check-in with the client? Or should we repeat the process?